I am proud to be a student of cec which is always devoted to its students. In one year, I have got lots of love and care from it. I have found rules and regulations of the college has always kept all its members under a disciplined position. I felt the beauties and qualities of ...

CEC is the right path you should choose to achieve your goal. CEC is the only place to be the master guide of all the student's roaming outside losing their right track. Here at CEC, I get a sound environment to sharpen my skills. The way it molds desirable characters in students by its quality e...

CEC has focused on growing good atmosphere to assure us to have a positive learning experience. It has provided the platform to awake the creative talents of students and aspiring for a dazzling career in the realm of their choice. I am proud to be a Buddhian.

My stay in CEC has been great. Be it technical or the regular cultural, sports events which happened around the year, everything is pretty good. The standard of education is brilliant owing to the fact that the facility is great. I feel privileged to be a part of CEC