Admission Process


Go to Online Admission Section of the website

When you click the online admission section you can get the form which is similaar to CTEVT online form fill out it correctly

After complete fill up the form submit it.

After sbmit the form you are successfully registred but for any dout during the form fill up process you can go to check status section for correction
Login Process
Student who successfully submit their form he/she can check him/her satatus from check status section.
Check Status section

After completing the form submit student click to the check student part of the website there is shows a news page where you enter our mobile number which is submitted in form and date of birth then you can see your form data.

Secured at least grade C in Compulsory Mathematics, and Compulsory Science and Grade D+ in English in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.


1. Should submit SLC or equivalent certificate

2. Should pass entrance examination as administered by CTEVT

Selection: Applicants fulfilling the entry criteria will be selected for admission on the basis of merit.

Faculty Member

Fee Structure 2077

Success Story

Admissions Process

The eligible students have to fill up the admission form and sit for the entrance test. As they get through the test, they have to sit for an interview along with their parents. Then they have to enroll themselves within 3 days submitting the following documents:

  • A copy of Character/ Transfer Certificate
  • A copy of Final Year Grade Sheet or equivalent documents
  • Two pp size photos

  • NB: The management will not accept the students' admission after all the seats are occupied even though they have met the eligibility criteria