


Civil Engineering is one of the prominent and popular disciplines within engineering. Many people in the developed countries, developing countries and under developed countries have given emphasis for the broader application of Civil Engineering.
This field has been helping the world for the all-round physical infrastructure development and it has been creating wage and self employment opportunities both in public and private sectors.
Diploma in Civil Engineering program of CTEVT is designed with the purpose of producing middle level technical workforce equipped with knowledge and skills related to the field of Civil Engineering so as to meet the demand of such workforce in the country to contribute in the national economic development of Nepal. The knowledge and skills incorporated in this curriculum will be helpful to deliver the individual needs as well national needs in the field of Civil Engineering.
Currently 108 colleges in Nepal offers Diploma in Civil Engineering program with more than 1804 students enrolled every year.

Diploma in Civil Engineering program has following objectives: Prepare technicians who are capable of undertaking works in civil engineering field as Civil Engineering Technicians under Road, Irrigation, Water supply, Urban Development and Building Construction and other civil infrastructures development related departments and sectors; Produce middle level competent technical workforce/human resources that could provide supervisory works of civil engineering; Prepare technical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values; Help in meeting the demand of required Civil Engineering Technicians for the public and private infrastructure development sector of Nepal; Reduce the dependence on employing such technicians from foreign countries and Create self employment opportunities



The total duration of this curricular program is three years. Each year consists of two semesters of six months each. Moreover, one semester consist of 19.5 academic weeks including evaluation period. Actual teaching learning hours will be not less than 15 weeks in each semester.
Target group: The target group for this programme will be all interested individuals who passed School Leaving Certificate (SLC) with English, Science, and Mathematics or equivalent and related Technical School Leaving Certificate (TSLC).
Group size: The group size will be maximum of 48 (Forty eight) in a batch. 8. Target location: The target location will be all over Nepal.
Medium of instruction: The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali.
Pattern of attendance: Minimum of 90% attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
Pass marks: The students must secure minimum of 40% marks both in theory and practical (Lab). Moreover, the students must secure minimum of 40% marks in the internal assessment and 40% in the final semester examination of each subject to pass all subjects offered in each semester.
Provision of back paper: There will be the provision of back paper but a student must pass all the subjects of all six semesters within six years from the enrolment.
Certification and degree awards:
1. Students who have passed all the components of all subjects of all six semesters are considered to have successfully completed the course.
2. Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded with a degree of Diploma in Civil Engineering.

Why choose Elctrical Engineering at CEC

Why choose Electrical Engineering at CEC? To meet the rising demand for Power System Engineers and Renewable Energy Specialists in the country, CEC established its Electrical Engineering Department. The department maintains well equipped lab also manages Training and Project Club, Academic Project Section

Is Electrical Engineering for you?

If you are interested n any of the following, then you may enjoy a career in Electrical engineering Working with Modern electrical device
Making things work electrically
Working with Energy generation and Renewable energy

Career Outcomes

Studying Electrical Engineering will lead you to potential careers in the power industry, manufacturing, mining and bloengineering Career opportunities are also found in the telecommunication industry, mining and transport sector, computer industries. As an Electrical sub-engineer, graduate, you will find employment in hydropower services industries, large industrial groups as well as small innovative private specialist firms.


Secured at least grade C in Compulsory Mathematics, and Compulsory Science and Grade D+ in English in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.


1. Should submit SLC or equivalent certificate
2. Should pass entrance examination as administered by CTEVT
Selection: Applicants fulfilling the entry criteria will be selected for admission on the basis of merit.


After the completion of this course, a student will gain knowledge in drawing, surveying, estimation and supervision of various civil engineering works. Employment avenues exist in various government departments like road, irrigation and communication and various engineering firms, water supply and in private construction companies as well. The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 1st class (technical) as Civil Sub-engineer (Civil Overseer) or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal. The graduate will be eligible for registration with the related Council in the grade as provisioned in the related Council Act (if any).

Entrance Test

Prior to getting enrolled at CEC, the eligible students have to sit for the entrance test. The tests will be conducted on the following subjects.
Diploma : English : 30%, Mathematics : 30%, Science : 30%, G.k/IQ: 10%

Faculty Member

Diploma in Civil Engineering Curriculum

Semestar I
Semestar II
Communication Nepali
Engineering Mathematics II
Communication English
Engineering Physics II
Engineering Drawing I Engineering Chemistry II
Workshop Practice I Engineering Materials
Engineering Mathematics I
Computer Application
Engineering Physics I
Engineering Drawing II
Engineering Chemistry I
Workshop Practice II
Semestar III
Semestar IV
Engineering Mathematics III
Social Studies
Surveying I
Applied Mechanics Surveying II
Basic Hydraulics Estimating and Costing I
Building Construction
Mechanics of Structure
Construction Drawing
Soil Mechanics
Computer Aided Drafting
Water Supply Engineering
Semestar V
Semestar VI
Communication Nepali
Engineering Mathematics II
Communication English
Engineering Physics II
Engineering Drawing I Engineering Chemistry II
Workshop Practice I Engineering Materials
Engineering Mathematics I
Computer Application
Engineering Physics I
Engineering Drawing II
Engineering Chemistry I
Workshop Practice II

Fee Structure

Scholarship Scheme

CEC provides scholarships to academically sound, deserving as well as needy students who meet the criteria prescribed. The scholarships will be provided on the following bases:

  • SEE or equivalent exams grade/ percentage
  • Entrance examination performance
  • Physically challenged/ Marginalized/ underprivileged/ ethnic/ indigenous background (DOE recommendations required)
  • National/ International recognition in any field
  • Special recommendations made by the local community, school, DEC, DOE, MOE, and other related authorities
However, in order to retain the scholarship privilege, the students have to pass the exams of each term. The students will forfeit the privilege for the term, should they fail any subject. f the students pass the entire subjects in the following term, they will regain the scholarship.

NB: Scholarship awards will be provided on the "First Come, First Served" basis.

Success Story

Admissions Process

The eligible students have to fill up the admission form and sit for the entrance test. As they get through the test, they have to sit for an interview along with their parents. Then they have to enroll themselves within 3 days submitting the following documents:

  • A copy of Character/ Transfer Certificate
  • A copy of SEE Grade Sheet or equivalent documents
  • Two pp size photos

  • NB: The management will not accept the students' admission after all the seats are occupied even though they have met the eligibility criteria

Request Info

Students can request to our college for any information

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Apply Now

Any of the students who pass the CTEVT Entrance he/she can apply to admission

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Evalution meaning that to fill up the form for Entrance


Fill out the ctevt form from any place all over nepal via online

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